Two projects for everyone!


For general information, curiosities, clarifications about the two projects, details for future consumers, to know how to disseminate the 2projects4all project through social channels or alternative media:

To offer your voluntary collaboration in the translations in several languages of the texts, for the production of multimedia content and any other activity related to the promotion and dissemination of the 2projects4all project:

For information, updates on the products that will be created and produced, notes on new products, technical specifications of the two plants and proposals for the location of the same:

For information and specific for the holders, who will help and support economically the diffusion and development of the 2projects4all project:

For information, clarifications and any other illustration of the development strategies of the 2projects4all project for potential Investors Partners:

To obtain information on hiring, for external collaborations, to analyze and discuss their skills, to illustrate their ideas and send their CVs:

To obtain information and clarifications about the management and processing of confidential data, about the use of cookies, to request the deletion of your data or for any problem related to your information:

news and clarifications in Bacheca
and the last Natural Events
with news of the World.
Last earthquakes above grade 5.5.

2projects4all Due Progetti per Tutti

Il Progetto 2projects4all è pronto per
essere sviluppato e messo a
disposizione di tutti coloro che
credono nelle loro capacità e spirito
di iniziativa, insieme a chi sa
condividere e crede ancora in una
ampia, unita, sincera
e fraterna collaborazione.

Leggete, approfondite, condividete e
sostenete il Progetto 2projects4all,
un nuovo inizio per tutti noi!
2projects4all Dos proyectos para todos

El proyecto 2projects4all está listo
para ser desarrollado y puesto a
disposición de todos aquellos que
creen en sus habilidades y espíritu de
iniciativa, juntos con los que saben
compartir y siguen creyendo en un
amplia, unida, sincera
colaboración fraterna.

Lean, profundicen, compartan y
apoyen el proyecto 2projects4all,
un nuevo comienzo para
todos nosotros!
2projects4all Two Projects for All

The 2projects4all Project is ready
for be developed and put to
disposition of all those who
they believe in their abilities and
spirit initiative, together with those
who know share and still believe in
one broad, united, sincere
and fraternal collaboration.

Read, deepen, share and
support the 2projects4all Project,
a new beginning for all of us!